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Vandetanib intermediate 2


Cat.No.ABP001049 Chemical NameVandetanib intermediate 2 MolFormulaC16H20ClN3O2 MolWeight321.802 Purity 98%

Chemical Name : Vandetanib intermediate 2

CAS : 264208-72-2

Synonyms: 4-Chloro-7-[N-methylpiperidin-4-ylmethoxy]-6-methoxyquinazoline


GW1516 (also known as GW-501, GW501516, GSK-516 or GW1516.) is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonist. And by activating PPARdelta, GW1516 increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle, increases fat oxidation in skeletal muscle and increases muscle mass and thus also increases metabolism! Through a number of mechanisms GW1516 changes the body's metabolism into preferring burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates and/or protein.